
Friday, April 20, 2007

What I do for a crust.....

My VERY FIRST JOB was as a Trolleyologist at Cole's new world Supermarket at my old stomping ground Toronto. I finished high school (thank God) and asked me sister Vicki to put in a good word for me at her work (coles), and even with that against me I still got the job!. I started as a trolley boy then worked my way inside the store to the fruit 'n veg section, then became the fruit 'n veg storeman and stayed their for a total of 4 years.

Then my brother Phil told yours truly that they were taking on workers at a place called Australian Industral Refractories. So with the thought of a better job and lot's more MONEY I tried out and got the job, 'You little beauty', and so I said goodbye to my old job and hello to heaps of money and moved out of home to a place in Warratah. I worked in a mogul of a place called Resmic Plant, and started as a press operator on a machine called No3 Fukai Press. After about four years A.I.R was sold to B.H.P and so we became BHP Refractories, but the job was just the same. We made Klim bricks for Klim's (dorrrrr), I loved the job and the condition's I worked in and would of still been their if BHP hadn't sold and closed up shop in Newcastle. So after 11 years at BHP I was made redundent and out of a job.... bummer. So I moved out of my unit, dumped my stuff at the oldies place in Toronto and packed my Commodore and started my trip around Australia.

My next job was as a petrol pumper at a roadhouse in the middle of the Nullabor at Caiguna. As you probably know that's where I meet me future misses (Tania) who at the time was working as a waitress / cleaner at the next roadhouse down the road at Cocklebiddy. I worked their for six months and loved it, but all good things come to an end and so we packed our bags and went overseas to old England.

The next job was as a window cleaner at a motel in Newcastle called Noah's on the beach. It was just across the road from the Newcastle beach and it was bloody hard to enjoy your work when you spend the day washing windows and watching people having fun at the beach. A mate of mine at baseball (Beerie) told me his brother-in-law was looking for a worker but if he didn't find one he would give me a job...ha,ha (mogul). So after a couple of weeks it was Hairsta la vista, windows! and hello house cleaning.

So I started working for a bloke by the name of Des 'snappy one' cleaning new houses. As the builders finish their part of the new house they leave it in a mess, and so my job was to start at the front of the house and work my way through. It was flamin' hard yacka to clean a whole place from top to bottom, but it was okay money and it was better then washing windows. My sister Vicki was sick of working at Cole's so she joined me and the both of us worked for a fair while doing this stuff. Until one day along came a little ratbag by the name of Jacko, and we decided to try something different. So after about a year of cleaning houses it was time to get back on the road.

We got an offer for Tania to work at a roadhouse in Northam at the western end of the Nullabor, so we packed our commodore and hooked up the caravan (the dogbox) chucked Jacko in the back and drove across most of Australia. Till we got a phone call in Caiguna that we were both given a job in a roadhouse at a place called Black Mountain Roadhouse. This gave us both work and the chance to be closer to my oldies and family, so we decided to drive back and give it a go. Tania worked as a waitress/cook/cleaner/mum and I worked on the pumps/yard cleaner/potato picker/new dad. It was full on work and we both loved it and it also gave us a chance to work out how to be parent's.... Strewth!. We both loved our time in Black Mountain Roadhouse, we meet some beaut people and have some rip snorter stories from the place. But after a year working their it was time to hit the road again and try something different, so we hooked up the Dogbox (caravan) again and hit the road towards that Nullabor Plain.

After a beaut trip across the bottom of Australia and about a month off work it was time to get back into it and get a job. I was a forklift driver at times when I worked at BHP, so I decided to ask for work at a place in Midland (Western Australia) called Midland Brick. The job was as a forklift driver to load brick trucks and within about two weeks I got it and so we moved from Corrina's house (Tania's sister) and rented a place in Bassendean. We lived their for three years until we could afford to buy or very first home at Middle Swan.... which we are still living at. So far Ive been at Midland Brickworks for eight years now and I'm still enjoying the place. But if it wasn't for the kiddies I would of loved to still be wondering around the Australian outback working at different roadhouses. I recommend anyone who loves to travel and meet ridgie-didge people to give it a go...any age. What have you got to loose!