
Friday, May 9, 2008

Own your own Castle!

That's right, ever sat back in your own backyard with a cold can of amber fluid in your hand and let the mind wonder..... now what would it be like to own your own Castle! Okay maybe not but that's what yours truly was doing the other day (yes my day is just action packed). So I did what most up-to-date people would do in this fast paced time and I 'Googled it'.
And yes you can own your own Castle in some of the most beaut looking destertions in the World, like France, Germany and Italy. But to start things off I sent me eyes on this little number in Germany...

Now this Castle goes by the name of LUXURIOUS CASTLE, and as the fore sale sign says it's located in an romantic environment. Fairdinkum it looks real beaut to me, and it comes with a fair bit of mod cons.
The stats go like this, it's got 25 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms (so don't forget the toilet Duck), it was built in 1868 and is located in 8 Hectars of some of the best parkland in Thuringen (a German town mate). It has it's own romantic park with huge old trees, fountain, outbuildings and impressive access-road, so no dirt track here sport.

Now here is a photo of one of the sitting rooms in the Castle, and doesn't it look real beaut hay. But I reckon I could make some little improvements.... like maybe a foxtel screen on the side wall and you can't go astray with a little bar fridge in the middle of those beaut chairs.

But of cause this is a Castle which is at the top of the food-chain so to speak, so something like this is gonna cost ya a fair bit of moolah! So you wouldn't have much money left in ya pocket after spending.... wait for it..... $12.507.004 Million (aussie dollars)

Of cause if that's a bit to hard on the wallet then theres a nice Castle that is gonna knock your socks off, it's the one and only CARDIFF CASTLE. It surprised me that this beaut looking Castle could be on the market, but I suppose it's hard times for Castle owners! But this Castle is un-friggin-believable mate, but now for the stats.... it's located on 8 acres of beautiful country side of old Cardiff city (capital of Wales) in the United Kingdom. And has a total of 255 rooms and 255 bathrooms! Strewth mate that's one hot water bill I wouldn't like to get, I get the feeling that they wouldn't let ya put a hot water solar panel on the roof hay.

The history of this Castle is that the first Norman Castle was built on the site in about 1091 by Robert Fitzhaman, Lord of Gloucester during the 12th century, the Castles Lord, Robert 'the consul' (the natural son of King Henry 1) reinforced his fortress with stone and constructed the shell keep. For a time the Keep was the prison of Robert, 2nd Duke of Normandy (and also Fitzhaman's uncle), on the command of Fitzhaman's father.... The King. Sounds a bit too Tasmanian for my likening but as for the Castle it's beaut hay.

Also it comes with a Cellar (but is it full of wine I hear you ask.......well no, but it's still got one hay, and that gives you a place to set up ya home brewing kit....okay to be precise your castle brewing kit) and a private swimming pool. But one thing that let it down was that it didn't have a Washing Machine? Fairdinkum mate if I had frigging 255 bathrooms I think I could have found the time to pop in the odd Hoover!

So what would owning Cardiff Castle set you back, well it's on the market for $5.268.415 million. Which is a fair bit cheaper then the romantic German Castle but still just a bit out of my limit mate!

So that takes us to the picturesque township of Smithtown in beaut old Ireland, and the location of the CASTLE BALLYNAGOWAN. Now ever since I watched my first episode of Ballykissangle I have wanted to live (at least for awhile) in one of those sleepie old fashioned townships, so I can pop down on a sunday morning to the local pub and sink down one of three beaut warm pints that I miss so much. Yes their beer is warm but after awhile you get used to them serving you a beer from a micawave!

But as for this beaut looking Castle, it comes on 5 Acres of Irish woodlands and was built in 1500 by the last King of Munster and Earl of Thomond and Inchiquin more then 5 centuries ago. And history has it that General Ludlow attacked the Castle with cannons..... cool! This ancient Castle is seated on a rocky eminence overlooking the river Deelagh, and comes with 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms. Now just have a gander that that fire place mate, now couldn't ya see yourself just laying back in that chair sinking a nice pint of Burmish Red (me favorite Irish beer mate) and just wondering what the normal folks are up too. Well you could have all this and more if you wanted to part with the small some of $2.638.778 million! Well really that's just a good lotto win hay, so you never know maybe one day you might pop into a local in Smithtown or Kilshanny to sink a couple of coldies, sorry warmies (just doesn't sound right hay). And in the background of the pub you might hear the sound of a drunken Sandgroper yelling out 'Strewth G'day sport', 'Go the Knights' and 'Macquarie United stride for victory.....' And if ya say G'day to me I reckon we would get ourselves a six-pack, some Chinese take-away and I'll take you back to me Castle! How cool hay.

But to be fairdinkum I just don't think yours truly would be happy drinking beer in strange places overseas, and I might just have to buy a beaut Aussie Castle (yes we do have them). And better still their right in our price range.......

What ya reckon mate!