Saturday, November 21, 2009

How to survive a hangover mate

Now lets start with the facts mate...

A hangover or as I like to call it 'Singing for your supper' is caused by a combination of the toxic by-product of alcohol metabolism (acetaldehyde), dehydration, and Vitamin A, B (particularly B6) and C depletion caused by the chemical action of alcohol on your system.I know this HOW? Thanks to the world of Google I actually know heaps of cool stuff, but for now we will keep to hangovers which I really do know about. The symptoms of a hangover are usually a dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, headaches and of cause waking up next to a sheilah with a head like a horse.

Most hangover "remedies" simply attend to one or more of the symptoms and don't really provide a cure as such. The hangover won't stop until the alcohol is out of your system, but here's a few things that will ease the suffering a bit sport:

  • Berocca - Puts the vitamin B back in, as well as the big glass of water it's mixed with. It's probably best to do this before you go out.
  • Coke - Fizz for the nausea, liquid for the dehydration, and a caffeine and sugar hit to make you feel a bit more lively (and because I have shares in the company).
  • Vegemite On Toast - Something in your stomach is good, and salty is even better. Plus you get a Vitamin B top up. The same reasons also make peanut butter a good choice, but the oily nature might make some sensitive stomachs feel a bit yucky.
  • Cold Pizza - Who knows, but it seems to work.
  • Vitamin C - Another thing the alcohol takes out that you're advised to put back in as soon as possible. Orange juice, tomato, a 600mg Vitamin C tablet - doesn't matter, just do it.
  • A Hot Bath - The heat will sweat out the toxins that are causing all the problems. You'll feel a bit woozy at first but go with it and you'll feel better afterwards. But don't forget to keep a bucket near by, cos if you do a technicolour yarn all over the bathroom floor then the cleaning up can cause the hangover to last longer (believe me).

Hangover Prevention (this is the good stuff)

  • Don't drink. (doh!)
  • Take a Berocca before you start drinking. This gets a reserve of Vitamin B into you.
  • Alternate fruit juice or water in amongst your drinks to avoid dehydration later on. Avoid fizzy or sugary stuff. The purists reckon that about 200ml of water is needed to effectively counteract each 30ml of alcohol.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar you consume with your alcohol. The forced metabolism of sugar AND alcohol by your body will accelerate the depletion of B vitamins and make the hangover worse.
  • Sex. Well okay I don't really know if this will help with your hangover, but you can still tell the misses it will..... it's worth a go hay mate.
  • The 2am lamb sandwich. Pizza or pasta is usually best since cheese and carbohydrates are a good source of amino acids. Actually food is a good idea all round - before, during and immediately after drinking. Food doesn't absorb alcohol, but it does increase metabolism, activates alcohol absorption, and increases the speed with which the body processes alcohol.
So pretty easy stuff if ya want to get up with a smile mate, fairdinkum if yours truly knew all about this years ago I might be still out their drinking till the sun comes up. Then again maybe it was a good thing I didn't sport!

But then again being a stretcher case
does have it's good points

Good Luck