
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Notso's Christmas

Well who said I don't really care about Christmas.... well okay it was me, but still their are some ripper things that happen during this time of year. Like having more days off work then you can point a stick at, and of cause drinking that little bit to much. Then theres the misses who dresses up in her elf outfit and says things like 'whos been a bad boy then'.... wait a minute.... we might just forget that last one hay. But these the Boxing day test match on the telly, and of cause a few to many tinnes to be drank. The hardest thing about drinking in our house is when your really drunk, just make sure that you don't trip over a friggin' kid. Fairdinkum their seems to be wall to wall nevilles come Christmas time, bloody school holidays!!! And doesn't it piss ya off when you get someone a ripper pressie, then in return you get something crappy hay. Yeah I know Christmas is the time of year that you take time to reflect on the celebration of little Jesus's birthday, but fairdinkum can you imagine the look on his face when he received a pressie of Myrrh!!! (three wise man my ass). By the way what the frig is MYRRH? Can you imagine if Josphoe was an aussie, and the three wise man started giving his kiddie pressies. One of Frankincense (crikey mate) and then Myrrh (okay on ya bike sport) and then Gold (strewth mate, just grab a seat and i'll fetch a tinny for ya). But anyway a ridgie-didge Christmas is all about sitting back watching the kiddies getting into all types of trouble, and sinking a few too many beers and waking up with a shitty hangover for boxing day! So go have yourself a ripper chrisie and remember to have a drink for your old sparring partner Notso.