Fairdinkum Paul Hogan or 'Hoges' to his mates is one of me living legends, and is a real beaut ridgie-didge fairdinkum Aussie mate. The first time yours truly copped an eye full of this fella, was when
But as for Hoges he started with his famous show then went with his mate John 'Strop' Cornell, to produce one of th
In 2004 he made a beaut movie called 'Strange Bedfellows' which he stared in with another of me legend actors Michael Caton (from 'The Castle'). The both of them are straight blokes but had to play pillow biters, and fairdinkum it was just a bloody ripper movie.
Then he made his last movie to date which was with a fella called Shane 'KEN
But getting back to Hoges he started as a painter on the coathanger (Sydney Harbour Bridge) back in the 60's, then picked up a show as a comedian doing comedy sketches on channel 9. He teamed up with a fella by the name John Cornell and that was the start of his show called 'The Paul Hogan Show', which went on to become a part of the Australian Telly history. Hoges played many different colorful charactors like Leo Wanker(a real life aussie daredevil stunt man), Perc the wino(a aussie drunken derro). Then there was Super Dag (an aussie superhero) and Sargent Donger (a tough cop with a bionic beer-get), and my favourite character of all time Arthur Dunger who was a suburban tinny-chugging aussie fitness fanatic.
So to give you an idea what the show was like i've put together a few u Tube sketches from the show, like this one from Arther Dunger who reminds me a lot of my brother Mark....
Then there was a send up of 60 minutes....
And of cause there was the beach seekers sketch...
And everyone from those days will remember the push-bike song...
And during each show Hoges would sit around and do a sketch where he was talking to the audience....
But not only did he do his show but he also shot a few commercials, mainly to promote Australia, like this one....
And you must remember this add
But i'll leave ya with a clip of 'Charlie n' boots' one of Hoges last movies...
On ya Hoges!