
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fitness girls

 Now I know that some blokes might think that sheilahs with muscles don't look to beaut, and to be fairdinkum there are some out there that even scares the shit out of me. But luckily for us blokes someone came up with the idea of work-outs, that didn't bulk up our finer specimens of mankind.

 Okay now working out at the gym isn't everybody's cup of tea, and I'll be the first to put up my hand and say that it's been years since I stepped a foot inside one. Fairdinkum to be honest there's way to many mirrors in side gyms, come on why do we need them... I know what I look like, that's the bloody reason I'm there!

 Aerobics: a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and friggin' cramps!

 Now if you need to do some exercise then I've been told the best exercise that you can receive is Yoga, crikey I'm being fairdinkum here. They say you can close your eyes and imagine yourself in a relaxing place... say somewhere like your lounge... not thinking about bloody Yoga!

 Stone the crows!

 I'd do anything for the perfect body! ... except... maybe work out... and eat right! But you know we should all work a bit harder at keeping in shape, like I'm in shape right now... okay it's a round shape but it's still a shape! The experts say that it's all in our tucker we eat so next time your about to chow down on a Kangaroo burger with the works, instead go for the Possum nuggets there less fattening and it's two bucks cheaper as well.

Being a fitness person isn't all rocket science.... well when you think of it all you do is pick things up, and put them down again! When a sheilah told me she had done some good 'Clean and Presses' I thought, well my misses is good at that but surprisingly enough she wasn't talking about laundry instructions!

Hay did you know that Pizza is one of the healthiest foods on earth! Fairdinkum if you think of it Pizza's are round so because their don't have corners, they contain a lot less calories then square-shaped foods! Well I'm sticking to that.

 Now if this sheilah doesn't make you feel like getting out there and lifting some weights, then between you and me I think you might be dead. But fairdinkum everybody should get out there and do some exercise each day, having kids is good too... you might be surprised how much weight you will lose to stress! But I'll leave you with a one liner from a great sheilah and physical expert Phyllis Diller, 'My idea of exercise is a good brisk sit'!
