
Friday, July 16, 2010

Fitness time

Well as you all know it's that time of year that all the fitness people tell us to get fit and ready for next summer, and we all think yep thats for me as we sit back and open the new bag of salt n' vinegar Smith chips! But if your thinking of getting into the fitness stuff this winter, then I've got just the thing for you. So this is Notso's attempt at giving everyone a chance to get fit, and at the same time it's not so bad on the old eyes ha,ha.
Here is a young sheilah by the name of Zuzana who has a website called BodyRock.TV, so if you think you want to give it a real go then just go to her website and kick some butt.... or pull a hammie which ever comes first!
Now any one who knows yours truly knows how fitness plays a major part in my life (yeah right), so having the chance to watch a sheilah jump all over the place and also keep fit at the same time is a real winner for me. So I thought I would put together some of the best fitness exercisers... like workouts for beginners (thats me), full body workout and some thing to give the old freckle a hitout. So here we go with the Notso's exercise Program.

First we have to go through a ripper stretch okay, now I know some of you think that you don't really need to stretch the old muscles. But believe me when I tell you that if you don't then you could end up pulling the old hammy, as yours truly has done a few times in the past. So even something easy like trying to touch your toes can come in hand, you reckon you can't even do that. Well just do what yours truly does and drop the local horse racing guide in frount of you, and I bet you can bend over and pick that up easy hay. And for the misses just change that to the TV guide and Presto!, and before you know it you'll be doing twenty off them a day. But I better show you how a pro does it and give you the chance to see how it's done, so just sit back and have a gander at these videos. Of course, if your one of those lecherous, chauvinistic yobbos you'll also notice that the sheilah has crotch-tight shorts, dark leggons, with great hard buns and sensational legs. Almost see-through tops and tight t-shirst and singlets, with her massive boobs bulging and heaving out in frount.... I never take much notice of that myself, however my misses has pointed that out to me... Thanks love!

Now I know what you sheilahs are thinking.... he's just having a perv but fairdinkum that's not really true love, you see I spent nearly all night looking for a fat arse sheilah with a head like a horses arse. But fairdinkum there's just not any fitness videos out there with Sue Cruickshank in them!! So against my better judgment I thought these educational fitness videos would do the job, so you will have to just put up with having a squizz at this rough looking sheilah.

Now that your all warmed up and ready to have a go at this workout.... strewth I cracked a sweat just watching.

Now we all need to keep fit... even yours truly needs to drop a few kilos. Well okay I might be in shape (well round is a shape!) but changing nappys five times a day for........ what seems like twenty bloody years! After a while does take it's toll, and with the age heading the wrong side of 30! (shut up Jodi) I think getting out and giving this stuff a fair go is not a bad idea at all. It's just that after all the nevilles have gone to sleepy land, and for the first time you slide into that nice soft lounge. The mind starts to wonder towards that shelf with the packet of Salt n' vinegar smiths chips just laying there, and that nice 2liter bottle of Pepsi keeping itself nice and chilly in the fridge. No wonder it's so bloody hard to keep yourself fit these days, but to give you some inspiration have a stickybeak at this exercise...

Stone the crows I might just give this fitness stuff a fair go hay but before you go out and buy all that thing-eme-bob fitness workout stuff, just remember that you can keep fit by just doing the stuff that this sheilah is showing us. But before I let you go and give these exercises a try, heres the last exercise to keep you healthy.

So good luck with your exercise program and I hope you give it a red hot go, over the year I hope to keep a few new exercise videos on the sidebar of this blog. So if you feel like doing a little workout then you just have to give it a quick hit, and before you know it your having a little workout.... see ya.