
Friday, July 9, 2010

My top 5 Funny town names

Talk about sitting around and doing nothing when the rain's coming down, luckily we don't get to many days like this in Perth town. So after kicking the nevilles of the computer (i'm still bigger then them, but when they work it out that it's five against one then I might be in a bit of strife). So just laying back with nothing to do I thought why not Google some funny names (Doesn't everybody), and so I came up with my best Funny names for places around the world. So here's my Number 5 to start with and of cause it comes from, you guessed it America, well if you want to make fun of place names then you would have to start in AMERICA! As they say 'Only in America could you come up with a place called that'! So to start the ball rolling we have have your first town named.... Ding Dong! Come to think of it.... this town's name really does ring a bell. That's right the little township called Ding Dong is situated on the Lampasas River, which is quietly nestled in the (this is true) Bell country! in the outskirts of Texas. It has a little ripper church and several scattered dwellings, with a population of a massive 22 dingdongers. It's only main claim to fame is that it was mentioned in the book called Made in America, written by one of my favorite legendary travel writers Bill Bryson.

While where still in America heres number 4 on our list of weird places it's called Toad suck, crikey what a weird name to call a town hay but their is a reason.... long ago steamboats traveled the Arkansas River when the water was at the right depth, but when it wasn't the boats would just sit and wait. While they waited the crews got drunk at a local tavern there, to the dismay of the folks living nearby, who said: "They suck on the bottle 'till they swell up like toads." Sounds about right hay, and with a population of just over 50,000 toadsuckers they can't be wrong!

Now not every dumb name comes from America and so we travel over to the other side of the world for our No3, too a little village tucked away in Wales called and i'm fairdinkum when i say this Llanfairpwllgwvngyllgogervchwvrndrobwllllantvsiliogogogoch
Strewth! This is what you would call a real mouth full mate, and is really a fairdinkum place. People have been living in Llanfairpwll (shorten of cause) since 4,000-2,000 BC, so a fair way back hay. For centuries the place was a small rural settlement in 1563 only 80 people lived their in 16 dwellings, but in the 2001 UK census the population had grown to 3,040. This place has the longest name in Britain and also the longest URL on the WEB! Fairdinkum.

No2 on the list we come to the beautifully named Bastard township, this time in the ripper home state of Leeds county (say no more) in Canada. Fairdinkum the origin behind Bastard township is that way back in the old days, a bastard named Lt Governor John Simcoe named it after an old English family named the bastards (pronounced Bah Stahrd) in Devonshire.... so it was named after the Bastards in England (i can believe that). Surveyed in 1796 the first bastard in the area was an Elder bastard Abel Stevens who came to upper Canada from Vermont in 1793, and subsequently brought more bastards with him from his home state. After the War of 1812 the township benefited from soldier settlers pensioned off by the British government, which meant the place was full of bastard British pensioners! The town has a ripper old church named St Pauls Anglican Church, which was first used as a Baptist Church at the time of its completion in 1811 and is reputed to be one of the oldest surviving churches built by bastards in canada. As for the population of this small township, it is known that in 1996 the place had 2692 bastards!

And the winner of my most loved town names is a little border village township in Germany called Fucking. Now why would someone who is normal in the head name a township Fucking is beyond me, As for the town it has a population of 104 fuckers who live in a combined 32 fucking houses! Just a quick tip for you... when your googleing it's name be VERY PERCICE, as if you get it wrong crikey it can be a real eye-opener! Theres a local bus service that operates between Schärding and Eggerding which makes stops at Lower Fucking and Upper Fucking, it operates once a day from Monday to Friday which means you can get a Fucking Bus all week long!! Fucking's most famous feature is four road signs with it's name on them, owing to the identical spelling to the present participle of the English-language profanity "F#@K". Funnily one sign features an additional sign beneath it, with the words "Bitte — nicht so schnell!" ("Please — not so fast!").... sounds like the misses! The village is especially popular with British and Aussie Backpackers as a local tour guide explained, "The Germans all want to see Mozart's house in Salzburg, the Americans want to see where 'The sound of music' was filmed. The Japanese want Hitler's birthplace in Braunau. But for the Aussies and British, it's all about Fucking." And it's unbelievable but you can't get a postcard from the place.... can you believe it you can't get a fucking postcard!